Nadir Mohamed, Karl Hale, Carling Basset-Seguso and John McEnroe. Opening ceremony 2007 Rogers Cup in Toronto

Carling Basset-Seguso and John McEnroe with guitar. Rogers Cup 207 Toronto.

Caroline Wozniacki is a Danish tennis player in a match with Hana Sromova of Czech Republic.
Hana Sromova of Czech Republic is getting ready to servve against Danish player Caroline Wozniacki.

Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia in Rogers Cup 2007 in Toronto, againts Angelika Bachmann of Germany.

Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia in a warm up.Rogers Cup 2007 Toronto.

2007 Rogers Cup in Toronto. Opening Night.

Jelena Jankovic of Serbia in her quarter-final match of Rogers Cup 2007 in Toronto!

Jelena Jankovic of Serbia on the left againts Virginie Razzano of France.

Jelena Jankovic a winner and Virginie Razzano and the Championship point. 2007 Rogers Cup.

Jelena Jankovic during her post-game, on the court interview, after the quarter-final match!

Srebotnik and Sugiyama with Black and Huber coming to Centre Court.

Srebotnik and Sugiyama with Black and Huber and coin toss.

Srebotnik and Sugiyama with Black and Huber on Centre Court.

Srebotnik and Sugiyama with Black and Huber. Championship match has been won!

2007 Rogers Cup Closing Ceremony with Championship Trophy.

Srebotnik and Sugiyama Doubles Cmapions with their Trophy. 2007 Rogers Cup in Toronto!

Srebotnik and Sugiyama Doubles Champions 2007 Rogers Cup!

Srebotnik and Sugiyama Doubles Champions, Huber and Black runners up. 2007 Rogers Cup in Toronto!

Srebotnik and Sugiyama with runners ups Black and Huber.

Srebotnik and Sugiyama 2007 Doubles Champions Rogers Cup.

Justine Henin and Jelena Jankovic during Championship Match!

Jelena Jankovic of Serbia during her Championship Match.

Justine Henin ready to serve!

Jelena Jankovich in front playing Justine Henin the Championship Match!

Justine Henin Champion after the point in 2007 Rogers Cup in Toronto!

Justine Henin Champion and Jelena Jankovic Runner up after the match!

Jelena Jankovic of Serbia, finalist Rogers Cup 2007,in a speech during closing ceremony.

Justine Henin 2007 Rogers Cup Champion. Closing ceremony.

Justine Henin Champion and Jelena Jankovic Runner up. 2007 Rogers Cup in Toronto!

Justine Henin Champion and nadir Mohamed Chief Operation Officer of Rogers Communications Inc.
Smiling Justine Henin 2007 Rogers Cup Champion with photographrs.

Justine Henin and Karl Hale the Tournament Director 2007Rogers Cup in Toronto.

Rexall Centre home of Tennis Canada and Rogers Cup at York University.

Rexall Centre, Centre Court home of Tennis Canada.

Rexall Centre, Centre Court!

Rexall Centre, main gate.

Rexall Centre main gate.

Rexall Centre at night. View of the Centre Court.

Rexall Centre, Tennis Village, 2007 Rogers Cup in Toronto!

Rexall Centre. Centre Court at night. 2007 Rogers Cup!

Ana Ivanovic a popular tennis player from Serbia.