Bianca Andrescu, awaiting

Serena Williams is the lady in black!

Official picture taking

Before the match

Bianca Andrescu and Serena Williams

Ready for warm up

Serena Williams with backhand

Serena Williams at the baseline

Centre Court during Championship match

Bianca Andrescu and TORONTO sign

Serena Williams changing sides

Bianca Andrescu with body language

Serena Williams preparing serve

Nice serve jump from Andrescu

Not very happy Serena Williams

Andrescu comforting Serena after 19 minutes of play, when she retires.

Andrescu comforting her idol Serena Williams.

Andrescu expressing great deal of empathy

Biance Andrescu is awaiting news about Serena

Andrescu is a Champion Rogers Cup 2019 Toronto

Excited Andrescu awaiting presentation

Andrescu on the court interview

Preparation for Trophy presentation

The presentation is staring

Organizing Committee of Rogers Cup being introduced by Ken Crosina

The trophies are ready for presentation

Organizing committee and Ken Crosina

Ken Crosina is introducing member of the committee

Serena receiving Trophy from Lucie Blanchet

Serena Williams is waving to the crowd

Serena Williams speaking

Ken Crosina is consoling Serena Williams

Bianca Andrescu with her cheque for US$ 521,530

Bianca Andrescu is receiving Trophy from Suzan Rogers

Bianca Andrescu speaking

Bianca Andrescu thanking to many..

Bianca Andrescu and Serena WIlliams side by side.

Bianca Andrescu and Serena Williams

Finalist Williams and Champion Andrescu

Williams and Andrescu are embracing each other

Friendship amonng competitos is on display now

Williams and Andrescu are leaving to

Serena Williams on the way out

Lucie Blanchet and Bianca Andrescu in front of..

Bianca Andrescu and Julia Orlandi

Bianca Andrescu is hugging her Trophy

Bianca Andrescu displaying her Trophy

Bianca Andrescu wrapped in Canadian flag

Binaca Andrescu in flag and with Trophy

TORONTO, Andrescu and Trophy

Start of Doubles Final

Doubles final on Centre Court

Sccoreboard on Centre Court

Krejcikova returning serve in Doubles Final

Krejcikova Siniakova just won Doubles Final

Opponents coming to the Net to shake hands

Organizing Committee ready for Trophy presentation

Finalist receiving cheque from Alan Horn of Rogers Telecom

Finalist receiving Trophy from Tarek Naquib of National Bank

Finalist are addressing the cowds

Finalists are thanking

Happy Doubles Finalists

Doubles winners receiving cheque from Alan Horn

Alan Horn and Krejcikova with Siniakova

Doubles Champs receiving Trophy from Tarek Naquib

Doubles Champs enjoying the prizes

Barbora Krejcikova is holding the Trophy

Doubles Champs in front of microphone

Katerina Siniakova is addressing the crowd

Doubles Champs addressing the crowd

Krejcikova and Siniakova with Trophy and Honor Guard

Karl Hale, Siniakova and Krejcikova

Siniakova, Krejcikova and ground crew, August 11, 2019 Rogers Cup Toronto

Barbora Krejcikova holding the Trophy and Katerina Siniakova